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After being on the run from a bunch of Snatchers, the gang were taken to Malfoy Manor, where Bellatrix proceeded to torture … Hermione Granger whimpered in pain as the notorious Death Eater, Bellatrix Lestrange, twisted her fingers through her hair and jerked her up from the wooden floors of Malfoy Manor's drawing room Her entire body ached, and her head still reeled from the torture she had experienced just moments ago. Hermione Granger fellatio, paizuri and penetration creampie. She sliced Hermione with a knife, over and over again. Caput Mortuum: Substância inútil que sobrou de uma operação química como a sublimação e o epítome do declínio e da decadência (alternativamente chamado de … Hermione Granger fellatio, paizuri and penetration creampie. Two long months since Voldemort had won and given over the traitors to his loyal followers at Durmstrang. dehow long is blue face in jail for Both of these Gryffindors are beloved characters in the realm of the fantasy genre. Hermione Granger faces all these plus much more. Imagine being kidnapped by your enemy's family, being tortured non stop, and being less than a house elf. Hermione blushed as she had somewhat enjoyed the kiss. defaye chrisley Juneteenth is a significant holiday celebrated on June 19th each year, commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the United States. " He vanished his pile of clothes with a flick of his wand and lay back down beside Hermione, putting his arms around Hermione. and as inspiration for her torture. It was a testament to Hermione’s toughness that she was able to walk away without lasting damage. ⚠️ This subreddit contains NSFW content, so please browse responsibly ⚠️ Hermione's POV. The torture scene in the film is probably my favorite addition not directly from the books (in that they showed much of it from Hermione's perspective). nihss answers group d My favorite types of fics are one shots/ short stories, and I really, REALLY want fics that describe the torture and the pain during and afterward that Hermione feels. ….

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